A solo made of sticky gelatine and pink roses and dark moments and creepy faces and jumping… A solo, where the sharp, straightforward essence of the dancer and blueish-purple music of Aid Kid meets.

Eva Urbanová’s The Essence choreography takes audiences on a journey of personal and spatial transformation. Inspired by a desire to reconnect with her inherent movement essence after the rigidity of formal studies, she embodies pure, instinctual movement born from a time of renewed self-awareness.

During the creative process, she employed body-scanning practices to access deeper, subconscious layers of expression, resulting in movements that embody empowerment and foster a sense of connection. In juxtaposition, selected sequences incorporate formal, codified dance vocabulary, adding emotional depth and constructing an internal narrative.

The choreography is complemented by text generated through automatic writing, characterised by a rhythmic quality that resonates within both language and movement, creating a cohesive pulse that reflects Eva's fundamental creative rhythm.

Awards 1st place at the Solo Dance Contest at Gdansk Dance Festival 22, 2nd Prize for Choreography + Audience Award at the Solo Tanz Theater Festival Stuttgart 2021

Invited to the Jerusalem International Solo Dance Festival 2023, Bazzar Festival 2023 (CZ), Slovak Dance Platforme 2023, Flora Theatre Festival 2022 (CZ), Mono Tancz Budapest 2022, and KoresponDance Festival 2021 (CZ)

Dance, Choreography Eva Urbanová

Text Eva Urbanová

Music Aid Kid

Created with the support of Nová Síť as part of their *Young Blood 2020* program.