(work in development)

When the light touches darkness, and darkness the light,
When things go right and then slip into wrong,
Somewhere in between pleasure and pain,
A witch is born.

Allegory of the Touch is a choreographic project that explores the transformative potential of touch, connection, sensitivity, and community through the lens of witchcraft. Anchored in queer theory, new materialism, and feminist theory, the performance follows the journey of three dancers, referred to as "creatures of touch"—bodies that transcend themselves, unbordered and curious, reaching into the unknown.

Through improvisation, interaction, and the unpredictability of the present moment, the dancers explore touch as a practice of entanglement—where identities dissolve, bodies expand, and alternative ways of being emerge. Touch becomes a gateway to reciprocity and excess, creating connections that transcend the limits of individuality.

This performance invites the audience into a space where heightened sensitivity is celebrated as both a superpower and a challenge. It reflects on our collective experiences of being in touch—physically, emotionally, and relationally—and stretches toward alternative realities where touch enables radical transformation and connection.

In Allegory of the Touch, the dancers reach beyond the known, embodying speculative futures where touch unlocks a shared, reciprocal body-space. As bodies intertwine and borders dissolve, touch becomes more than a gesture - it becomes a passage, a key to a dangerous gate. Beyond it lies a realm of wild chaos, ancient knowledge, and overwhelming power—one that only witches can navigate, where transformation is both a gift and a trial.

Concept, Choreography Eva Urbanová 

Dance Zuzanna Strugacz, Giorgia Scisciola, Allie Graham 

Theoretical Contribution Mara Zuckerhut 

Text Eva Urbanová, Mara Zuckerhut 

Costume Design Miriama Kardošová 

Lighting Design Miriam Čandíková 

Dramaturgical Consultation Marianna Cifarelli 

Production Miriam Čandíková, Eva Urbanová